Saturday, 17 January 2009

Big Fat Friends

(For Kim)
"Nobody look! Kim's kissin' Kate Moss!
I touched Pete Doherty and saw two hearts break.
You put my heart in a blender and threw it in my face,
but I just want you back. Booby. I just want you back for good.
Justin doesn't even like camping and he hates Postman Pat.
John Pauls a gay y'know and DJ likes quiet girls.
Peter Dennis is a Spanish tapas dancer.. keeps the rich, rich and the poor, poor.
You gotta make him your lover so I can make him my friend.
Yaah Sweden, yaah. What's the capital of Luxembourg?
Let's steal some holly from Vienna and some milk from the Ming yin Gardens.
We could go to Vegas and make our fortune as hand twins.
You said that someday we would look back on this and laugh..
..Je suis anglais! Je suis anglais! Je ne comprends pas!
Bonsoir, bonsoir, Vous ĂȘtes sexaaay! (Noir Chat.)

You're like a little bit of skiing on my lips. My sister from another mister.
My nephew from another orange. My 900 Dollar Man and my Miss Sensation.
Well Papa, its a half past one and the fun has just begun.
Irish Eagles ready? Yesaaa! Granny from another..Yoc Baby.
(Dude this cake is mingin', wanna come back for more later, yeah?)
These chicken nuggets are sick. Holly and chu..ugghh.
You're on every Tuesday at eight- Get back on the bus blossom.
Nah man, it's okay, I know South Belfast like the back of my hand.
Alternatively Ulster till i die. I know I am. I'm sure I am.
She's the singer and I'm the runner. Road flavoured curry and 24hr shopping.
'Stu and Holly: Tiger Fanatics.' An orphan who lives in a bath.
My dads rich and I drive a Subaru.
Yer fadher woza dirtaay thievin' scoundrel from the lanes of Limerick,
and you're mawder woza two punt hooker from O'Connell Street.
Toilet? Yes?"

Spour spemories spin.

1 comment:

Steven Holdsworth said...

funkadelic pics, <3 splinter!